Saturday 23 February 2013

CNY 2013

Hey!!! Guys I miss u all!♥ Miss me too? xD Today I'm gonna to blog about CNY! Gong Xi Fa Chai! I bet that everyone sure grab many angpau ! Ok , it seems like  abit late for blogging about CNY. Just a simply post about OOTD!

1st day of CNY ♥
#go to kuantan

2th day of CNY♥
#relatives visit to my house
Family's photo

3th day of CNY♥
# pay a visit to my 阿姨's house

4th day of CNY♥
# pay a visit to friend's house & have a dinner at night

Look nice and graceful? haha (slap me slap me > <  )

5th day of CNY ♥
# go to kl # sunway pyramid# overnight

7th day of CNY♥
# friend's house again#gamble

8th day of CNY ♥
# Steamboat and 拜天公

Almost all of the photo is my selca. Hahahah!
Sweet Memory with friends and family.Never forget.
The last year.2013.


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